Friday, May 15, 2020

Toddlers and Tiaras Essay - 1135 Words

When I hear the word toddler I think of little girls walking around in mommy’s shoes, and miss matched clothing (because she’s getting to the age where she likes to dress herself.) And of course a cute smile that’s missing a few teeth. The word glitz, glamour and sashes don’t come to mind. Nor does the image of a little girl who’s fake from head to toe. Wearing wigs, flippers (fake teeth), inappropriate /reveling attire and fake tans. I don’t think of little girls dancing around a stage in front of hundreds of people getting judged on their â€Å"beauty.† Well, that is exactly what children’s pageants consist of. Pageants exploit a child for their outer beauty, their talents and over all perfection or as pageant judges would call it having† the†¦show more content†¦Many express that they find the outfits to be too revealing. Morgan’s father said the outfit his wife made for their daughter looked like a domi natrix outfit. The fathers tend to just stay uninvolved and I don’t blame them. Look at all the pedophiles and kidnappings that occur. And has everyone forgot about John Benent Ramsey’s horror story? She was a child in pageants who was murdered and sexually abused at the young age of six. How don’t these parents feel that they are potentially putting their child in life danger? Many pageant parents say that doing pageants help their child’s self esteem. How does not winning the beauty pageant boast a child’s self esteem? In fact many children start to cry after not winning a crown. Some even say they feel guilty or like they have let their parents down. The parents also get upset if their child loses. One mother admitted that after hearing her daughter won overall princess instead of overall queen, she stormed out, threw the crown on the ground and ran over it. I bet that did wonders for her child’s self esteem and taught her self-discipline (Lets not forget the crown was her daughters, and not hers to smash.) Not only do these children feel bad after not winning a crown but they are also being sent a very bad message. They are being taught that beauty is everything, and the more crowns you have the more beautiful you are. This is only going to hurt them when they get older and forced to realize nobody’s perfect, and looksShow Mo reRelatedToddlers and Tiaras907 Words   |  4 PagesBeing born a man or a woman in todays society is more than a simple biological fact. It’s a biological fact that harvests social consequences. From delivery, gender is assigned to males and females in life binding forms by way of blue or pink. Gender is the social construct of what we know biologically as male or female, but masculinity and femininity is how the two roles are played out in society. 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To become â€Å"beauty pageant material† these children have to go through intense makeovers and training including spray tans, flippers (fake teeth), teased hair, a face full of makeup, etc , all while they are screaming their heads off. When the toddlers are finally made up they look moreRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Beauty Pageants758 Words   |  4 Pages You have to have the barbie look.† a mom on Toddlers and Tiaras said. Now available to children, around 250,000 girls compete in beauty pageants each year. These pageants have had damaging consequences on them. Child beauty pageants need to be banned because they sexualize young girls, put too much pressure on them to win, and lead them to focus too much on beauty. Girls are sexualized in beauty pageants at a very young age. On Toddlers and Tiaras, girls are shown in ‘sexy’ costumes, showingRead MoreEssay about Beauty Pageant Problems967 Words   |  4 Pagestelevision show Toddlers Tiaras? Toddlers Tiaras is a show about the glitz of the pageant world that little girls are more than likely forced, by their parents, to participate in. It is mandatory for them to have fake tans, fake eye lashes, fake teeth, and a ridiculous amount of make-up. Not to mention the unsuitable outfits these girls’ parents vow that they wear. Beauty pageants exploit little girls and attract sexual predators. Beauty pageants, such as, Toddlers Tiaras have ludicrous rulesRead MoreComparing and Contrasting Into the Wild Book and Movie811 Words   |  4 Pageswatching Toddlers and Tiaras. How can a mother let their young daughters go on national television dressed in skimpy outfits for the world to see? I don’t know who at fault the most the parents or TLC, the television network that broadcast the program. Defenders of child beauty pageants argue that pageants are harmless fun and that they teach self-confidence and poise to young girls (Child Beauty Pageants). 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Children who are involved in beaut y pageants are perceivedRead MoreEssay on The Advantages and Disadvantages of Child Beauty Pageants1345 Words   |  6 Pagesto young children because it increases the chance of skin cancer, but put them in a tanning booth with UV Ray bulbs and the risk of skin cancer is tremendously increased. The last form of tanning is one depicted many times on TLC’s hit show Toddlers and Tiaras is the spray tan. Spray-tan contains a chemical known as dihydroxyacetone, which can cause skin irritation, hair follicle irritation, and lung irritation if inhaled (â€Å"Health†). Another major negative effect of beauty pageants is the sexualizing

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